let’s play whit a list

Hello, long time no see, this time we will create a program whit a function that receives a list of numbers, and it calculates the sum of the numbers, the averages and the standard deviation of the numbers in the list.

if you dont know whats the standard deviation check the wikipedia page: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desviaci%C3%B3n_t%C3%ADpica

Captura de pantalla 2017-04-17 a las 11.03.03 a.m.

The program adds the numbers whit a while cycle. The number is added in the line number 16 whit the append

The function just do some math operations, and the results are separated in the line 18.

trying the program:

Captura de pantalla 2017-04-17 a las 10.49.26 a.m.

and that’s it, if you got a question leave a comment and i’ll try to answer 🙂

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